miércoles, 30 de noviembre de 2016

Film review [English]


                                  THE HUNGER GAMES

 Two years ago, I watched ''The Hunger Games''. It's my favourite
 film after ''The Maze Runner''.

''The Hunger Games'' is a fantastic film by Gary Ross. The plot is 
 about a girl called Katness Everdeen. At the beginning, Katness
 has to go to a place called ''Capitolio''. She have sixteen years old.

 The setting is Panem, Capitolio. The film in general is very cool!
 The ending is so much interesting!

miércoles, 16 de noviembre de 2016

Le Cimetiére Père Lachaise [FRANÇAIS]

 Le Cimetière Père Lachaise est en France, Paris. Est le cimetière  plus grand et célèbre de France.

 Le cimetière a fait pour Alexandre Théodore Brongniart. Le  horaire est: 8.00 am - 18.00 pm.

 Jim Morrinson est enterré. Il est  mort en 3 de Juillet 1971, en Paris,  France. 

                                                             Père Lachaise   


   Jim Morrinson

  Alexandre Théodore Brongniart

martes, 15 de noviembre de 2016

ENGLISH [High School]

 My high school is called ''Fernando de los Rios'', is situated in 

 Malaga. Is a big building in my opinion. We can use our teacher's 
 first name or 'seño' 'profe'. We don't have to wear an uniform and 

 we mustn't use mobile phones. The only subject that you can  choose is 'Religion', and we have to study the other subjects like  Maths, Science, English, French...

 The exams aren't very hard. We divide the high school into three  terms in the year and in six differents periods (the timetable no  change) We don't have to go to the classes in the weekend.